Wednesday, December 15, 2010

is it vacation time yet?

The Christmas blues are upon me. All I can think about while at school is visiting with everyone and catching up with friends. Every morning I must try and pump myself up with excitement before heading into school. I am excited to head home in about a week! I've been teaching my first year for almost half a year now, and it is time for a break!! The countdown is on: 4 more days of school!

Things have been going great lately and I couldn't be happier.
Last weekend was spent relaxing with the family. I'd like to say BIG happened, but that would be a lie. Just a typically weekend with friends enjoying life in Quin.

Al and I (well mainly Al) had a great Sunday night decorating our house for Christmas. It seems that I misplaced my charger for my camera, so I may not be able to take anymore pictures until I return home...BOOOO But back to the decorating--Al made some beautiful paper snow flakes for us. Trying to remember how to make a paper snowflake was quite amusing. Both of our first tries were not successful. After googling how to make a paper snow flake, we were able to figure it out. After the snowflakes, Al hung up our stockings and even cut out Merry Christmas to stick on the wall. If I do say so myself, our house is looking pretty magical. I got some great ornaments this weekend in the mail which added quite the look to our christmas tree.

I have been feeling like my blog has been lacking with exciting stories so here is one. This past weekend we were dog sitting. Since it was FREEZING outside, I got the great idea that I could just let Ani go to the bathroom and he would come right back. At first this did happen. He went about his business and then gave me "the look". The look that said I am going to run away now and you are going to have to chase me around the village in the dark in negative degree weather. Oh how delightful--so Al and I geared up to chase this dog. WE WERE NOT HAPPY--probably the most mad I have gotten my entire time here has been at this dog. Guess I still need to work on my dog sitting skills.

This weekend should be a good one, it's our last weekend in Quin before the new year! For those of you wondering, I'll be back in the great state of Ohio on Thursday afternoon!

I'll end with some pictures of us on the school bus. I took them from Rachel's blog and I think they are pretty great. This is how we arrive at school each morning.


Beth said...

'Misplaced' your charger. Imagine that.

Julie said...

Ooh! When you see Gantz, I want to see you, too!! I'll be leaving town on that same day you arrive home, but I'm back on Sunday!!