Thursday, August 19, 2010

wish I could think of a clever title

So the last few days have been interesting as I feel everyday will be since let’s face it I am in Alaska!!

Been busy getting to know my students and figure out a routine that works—my memory with their names is not impressing anyone though…when they change clothes…in my mindso do their names—I do believe though I am really going to enjoy this school year, the kids are great and I am already greeted in the mornings by the children, which is a great feeling! In the mornings I have also been helping out to motivate the children before school starts. We have different activities going on so the students do not just have to sit in the gym.

Currently we are babysitting our neighbor’s dog. I do enjoy watching him although today he ran away from my room mate and we had to chase him around the village…and anyone who knows me knows I do not like physical activity if I don’t have to so I was NOT happy.

So tonight I took another trip to our local grocery store and picked up a 15 dollar pizza. At first I was a little skeptical about paying fifteen dollars for a pizza but THAT WAS THE BEST PIZZA EVER….tasted like GOLD—at this point I am getting desperate eating grilled cheese and ramen are no longer doing it for me. I am happy to announce that we are placing an order for Span Alaska and will have great tasting food soon—

Now its time to meet the people in my village aka my new ALASKAN FAMILY…..

*First we have Allison K also known as Ms. Kirchoff, my roomie—She likes to cook me dinner, listen to my stories, and we both LOVE the song Dynamite..It’s only been two weeks and we’ve only made memories that will last a lifetime…she is a brave soul as she was the first one of us to empty the honey bucket—we currently have the perfect family with me her and Gill—soon we will be getting a young pup.

Next we have Steph and Jim—They are always there to offer a hand when Allison and I are having a crisis (aka not having any food, not knowing how to shop for groceries, or our many other questions we have faced in the last few weeks)—I can already tell we are going to be having some great quality bonding time this year! They are like my big brother and sister I never had =)

Our next door neighbor is…Rachel--She was my first person I talked to when thinking about Alaska—she has a very uplifting personality and is always there to offer advice or just a friendly smile.

Down a few houses live Alison and John. They come from MA. They live with their two puppies and are as eager to explore Alaska as we are. Alison is doing a great job already teaching fourth grade.

Shout out- Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending me e-mails, cards, etc…you have no idea how exciting it is to get mail and its sad but I so look forward to school getting out so I can run to the post office before I head home and hope she says “Yes you have mail”

Well that’s all for now =)

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