Friday, August 13, 2010

And so it begins

So I’ve been here over a week and I figured its time to update my friends and family on my new life in Alaska. I’ll start with the flight—well the flight was long, I met a teacher from Anchorage though which helped ease my nervousness as I traveled to the big AK. Me being me decided it would be a good idea to pack my sweatshirts and jackets all in my suitcase so needless to say I was FREEEZING at the airport, tried to sleep but it was just too cold. After two hours of feeling like I was getting frost biten I bought the ugliest maroon crewneck that says Alaska across the front. It was a joke amongst my new Alaska friends about the looks of my new sweatshirt.

I arrived in Bethel and I was in shock—definitely not what I expected. The houses looked different and from the plane I could see only water, not to mention it was raining. I instantly had a mini panic attack but assured myself I could get through the next few days. Once I got to the district office everyone was super friendly, I made instant best friends with people all over the US just looking for adventure and their first teaching job, just like myself.

In Bethel it was just training after training, but the BEST part of Bethel was not my new friends, the fact I still got to use a flushing toilet, or there were still restaurants, it was the fact that I GOT TO GO FISHING. So we go on a boat , got a little lost—but it was beautiful…chilly but beautiful. So this was my first fishing trip ever, I was a little nervous but determined to catch a silver. I cast my line into the water and I felt a tug , I became so excited like a kid on Christmas…I caught something I caught something I yelled. Then it got stuck and I got worried, I can’t pull it I called out…Cory the boat driver came over and to my surprise he told me I had indeed caught something…BUT it was just the ANCHOR…talk about the embarrassment.

On Thursday it was time to head to my village. I got on a plane with only six seats….talk about scary. Flying to my village I was filled with excitement and nervousness. After forty minutes I arrived in my village, we were greeted by Eric (my principal’s) family and Steph ( a veteran teacher). We first got a tour of the school and then headed to our house. Myself and my new room mate Allison have been very busy fixing our new home (MY FIRST REAL HOUSE) up, it’s been quite the experience. We have no tv or internet, so one night we decided to draw a picture and color it to decorate our walls.

As many of you know, I was very skepetical about the fact I would no longer have a toilet…and let me tell you it is taking some getting used to. I am starting to appreciate the little things in life…that is for sure.

The past few days have been filled with getting to know my surroundings and learn about my new home and the new faces that will soon become my family. Quinhagak is much more beautiful then I ever expected, the sun does not set until at least 11, which is quite the difference. The weather is in the mid 40’s and rainy, sometimes windy and quite the adjustment. The village has no restaurants—one store—a post office –and well that’s about it I think. I am going to post pictures of my actual village when the weather becomes a little nicer. I’ve been spending a lot of time getting to know my room mate, exploring, and at school.

I have met some children in the village and their smiles and eagerness to get to know me already touch my heart. They come knocking on our doors to say hi and get to know us. Every time we are walking to school, we can expect a friendly smile and hello from someone in the village. Their warm heartedness and friendliness is definitely something I can not wait to be around.

I am trying to think of other things to blog about, but is hard to put this last week into words. It’s been tough, but the tough experiences make us who we are and are the times when we have to give it all we got. I tried caribou for the first time, I’ve eaten grilled cheese for the past week, I’ve learned to use the honeybucket.

Since Monday I have been in Bethel again for another training, really getting to know my staff and learn about my new teaching position. And ya know what? I think this adventure is something I can handle…I have had my doubts, there has been times when I think being in Ohio would be better, but ya know—I am already learning so much about myself and other people that hey I think I can do this—The people I am going to be working with already seem like incredible people and have helped myself and room mate making sure we have everything we need. I can tell that this year is truly going to be an adventure and a remarkable experience.

That’s all for now—School is starting on Monday and this shall be one busy weekend for me. Shout out to my friends, family, and Nolley staff—I truly miss each and every one of you. When I get down though, I keep in my mind that there are people rooting for me and thinking of me at home…and those are the thoughts that will help me as I begin my first year of teaching in rural Alaska!

I almost forgot….we added a new member to our family today….his name is GILL!! He is a beautiful Beta swimming so peaceful in his bowl right now. I had my doubts if he would make it through the plane ride—but Gill is tough and he is now a part of my new AK family!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well put Girlie! :)