Monday, August 23, 2010

One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish

And it’s Monday again---time for a new week! I ended up having a nice weekend after all, was not sure what was too be expected, but after my great Friday night with the girls I had high expectations.

Saturday morning didn’t do much of anything, just hung out with rooms and relaxed a bit. Then we came to the gym to shoot some hoops. THEN…the best thing ever happened….we got the call to go…FISHING!! As many of you know—before this Alaska adventure I had never fished before in my life…but now I do believe I am one heck of a fisher woman. So myself and Allison got all geared up (we were looking mighty fine I might add) and set off to go fishing – we made a pact we were not going to scare Jim and be calm so he would want to go fishing with us again. Before our fishing adventure, we had one great great dance party getting all our energy out and bonding. Just you wait until we unleash all of our new dance moves

Once we were out on the river it was BEAUTIFUL…I felt like a legit fisher -woman..I had on my boots, lifejacket, and water pants ready to catch a big ol fish. The first fifteen minutes were used to teach us how to cast. And let me tell you…I am one GREAT caster. At first I’ll admit, I almost took myself out a few times with the hook, but by the end…I was a PRO and could even cast behind my head. And I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I thought I caught something but it was either stuck or just some grass!

The first catch was done by Allison…we were startled..I think I let out a little yelp because hey that is creepy watching a fish flop all around. We got it inthe boat and that is when the fun began. It was flopping around like a kid on a trampoline…that is when the sad part happened. I turned my head and plugged my ears as Jim used a paddle and WHACK killed that little guy. His little eye shot out and then it was over. Apparently if you don’t have a stick that is what you use. So there I was still no fish and Allison had one.

So we continue down the river…and to my surprise Allison gets ANOTHER one!! We do the same thing to this little fella except once the boat got going again he kept flopping around the boat…it was really creeping me out, so I told Allison to use the paddle again…she tried but just didn’t have the heart. So here we were again Allison 2 me 0.

Any of you that know me, know at this point I was getting over fishing. My arms were hurting, I was getting rained on, and getting angry that no fish wanted a piece of my fishing line . So we took a little break and stopped to clean the fish we caught. Jim taught us how to hold a fish because my dream was to hold one of them up proudly. After several attempts, I was brave enough to do it!! And let me tell you I looked pretty darn good.

We then had to gut the fish. The first time I watched someone doing this I couldn’t even stand in the same room. I wanted to vomit everywhere, but this time I dug deep and was determined to do it. So a grabbed that knife and cut along the bottom of the fish. I’ll admit I wanted to puke but yay I did it. I didn’t go any further then that but now I have a new goal to accomplish by the end of the year.

We did a little bit more of fishing and my roomie caught one more fish so we ended up night Allison 3 me zero…but hey just think of how GREAT my stories will be the day I catch my very own fish!

Ended the night eating CHEESECAKE (oh how great it tasted) and having a nail painting party at Rachel’s. Who needs a nail salon when you have great friends in Quinhagak?

On a side note the other morning myself and Allison got dressed came out of our rooms and noticed we were in fact wearing matching outfits…I do believe it’s a sign, this will be a good year. Shoutout to all my friends/family reading my blog..miss you all—and my address

That’s all for now—I’ve got more stories but I gotta keep ya guessing-- I'll leave ya with one more final thoughts, its important to set goals for yourself. The first time I saw someone gutting a fish I was like oh no, I will never be able to do it. And ya know what? I was able to take baby steps and accomplish part of my goal. I think I am learning a ton here and it's only been 22 days!!

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