Monday, October 25, 2010

We're going on a bear hunt!

"Keep those in your life who want you in theirs"

Sitting here waiting for my corn dog to cook and thought I would sneak in a quick blog. Things have been going great! I can’t believe it has been 3 months almost and I am really trying to take this all in. My new motto is just to enjoy-enjoy the next two months until I get to visit friends and family!

It is snowing for the second time since I’ve been here, and today I am not crying. I am going to embrace the coldness and beauty of the snow. When I was walking to school this morning I felt a little coldness on my cheek and knew this day was coming.

Al’s parents were here all weekend and yes my friends they got to experience the….HONEYBUCKET…which by far has to be the best part of living in Alaska…We have had a great time enjoying home cooked meals and showing them what we do on a day to day basis. It’s nice because a lot of people I don’t think truly understand what is like here and they are truly here to understand it.

This weekend something great happened—the boys got a bear! It was my first ever bear sighting—it was very scary---it was skinned and all. It was dead by the time I got to see it and man oh man it was a huge sucker--- I now have a new goal in Alaska….SHOOT ME A BEAR!

These pictures are courtesy of Jim-- just thought you would enjoy!

So today is Monday--and tomorrow I am going into Bethel for speech team! Oh yes I am the speech team coach, I am not sure why all my friends back at home laugh when I tell them this, but tomorrow we are off. This speech competition is just for Jr. High so I am taking only one student, next month is Senior high and I will be taking more. Stayed tuned for details for my speech trip!

So today I had a thought--since I have been here I have pretty much been stuck on the past. But the day has finally come that people have been waiting for--I can honestly say that I believe I am moving on. I just finally realized hey if I keep thinking about what could happen, what if, and other things like that I will not fully experience Alaska and growing as a person. I am excited for the new confidence en-stilling my body..WOOOO!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I just love it that you are learning to live in the moment and enjoy what you are doing right now. What better way is there to live life? It is such a shame to waste time thinking of what WAS or SHOULD HAVE BEEN or SHOULD BE instead of being right there NOW. I think that is a tough lesson to learn and keep. I seem to learn it over and over instead of keeping up with it.... See you soon!!!