Sunday, October 10, 2010

The little biker that could

So it’s Sunday and I am tired! This weekend has once again gone by quickly and tomorrow starts a new week! So some things I learned this weekend.

The first is that crocheting is not for me. Friday night is craft night in Quinhagak and is lots of fun. This Friday we got the bright idea to crochet. Now me being the non- crafty individual l that I am decided I would try this too. After about an hour of working hard I ended up with a pathetic looking piece of crocheting. You can be the judge of that though. Oh and to clarify the part that looks well done (that was not done by me). In fact I just did the long string randomly appearing and coming off the base. So craft night was once again a success, I just will not be crocheting any of you anything anytime soon.

The second thing I learned—you can have a lot of fun with dead animals/fur. Notice the pictures of beaver mittens, arctic foxes, etc. Now at first I thought that these items would creep me out. And you know what I was right. But here in Alaska the animals are used to make mittens, hats, and other important necessities to survive the cold. It is interesting to see how something can be turned into something so crafty. Someday my friends, someday I too will make my very own beaver hat.

The third thing I learned biking is not for me. So Saturday morning the girls decided to go on a run/bike ride. I agreed because I had no idea how far we would be traveling. Not let me tell you—my poor little legs rode for 8 miles. Now prior to this experience I have not really exercised let alone for that long. Why on earth I though an eight-mile bike ride would be my first experience I’ll never know. We started off on the journey and things were going great. Allison and I were just pedaling along laughing and telling stories. There was no greater relief then reaching our destination, which was four miles away. The depressing part of this story is the 4 mile bike ride back. There I was with no will to go on. I was perfectly content with just laying down and taking a little rest. With some pushing from my room mate, thinking about chocolate pie, and forcing myself to move…I MADE IT BACK TO THE VILLAGE.. Now it wasn’t easy I literally have to give it all I had. At times when the others had gone ahead I got scared incase a bear would have came and attacked me, but then I realized I would have not have been able to move. I would have simply just asked that bear to eat me. But 8 miles later I made it—and I now know I can do anything I put my mind too—8 miles does not sound like a lot, but to me it was a milestone on this journey in Alaska!

Another thing I realized is that campfires and the Bering Sea are both beautiful things to watch. Saturday night we decided to have another fire down at the beach. It was a great time. We ate hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, and even got to touch the BERING SEA! The ride was in so we got to actually feel the water this time—and my oh my it was nice! It is nice to just appreciate and fine and beautiful things that Quinhagak and Alaska has to offer.

So that concludes my list of things I learned...but I have exciting news---I have booked my flights home for Christmas-- It is going to give me something to look forward to. Similar to my eight mile bike experience knowing I had chocolate pie in the fridge, it is great knowing in a few months I can visit home and have something to look forward to.

This last week has been tough and I have been giving it all that I have. This week has challenged my teaching as well as me personally. I definitely am excited to be here and am learning so much about myself and Alaska but I am hitting that point where I am drained emotionally. I keep referring to the bike ride, but yesterday when I was struggling bad I decided to never give up and just look at the positive sides of the situation, similar to what I am doing here. Thinking of all of you at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steph's Mom here. If you can ride your bike for 8 miles you can do anything! I've done lots of long distance bike riding and you just keep going and you get there! Just like life. You're doing a great thing there in Quinhagak! Enjoying your blog.
Susan Stoppkotte