Thursday, September 9, 2010

Random babbling about new experiences

So myself and Allison were talking today and we realized there are some quality pieces of information missing from my blogs the last couple of posts, and we felt it was important to include it. So the weather the last few days has been…CRAZY…windy and scary...and for those who know me..I DO NOT like my hair to be blown all over the place, so it has been quite the experience. We find humor has been the best way to deal with it. Honestly there usually are no dull moments around the two of us so there is always something to laugh about. The wind and rain together make for a perfect combination on my walk to school, all you people enjoying your suntans and burns should probably be jealous of these beautiful days in Quinhagak. I know that tanning is definitely one of the things I am missing most right now. Who would have known my skin could become as white as the snow.

Another thing that has been quite the laugh around here is my last name. Who would have thought Weaver could cause such a laugh. So some of my students call me Miss Weavers. I try to tell them what my name is but day after day that is what they keep calling me. I break it up for them, I show them what it looks like written, but still they are saying my name like there is more then one of me. Some of the other teachers have been telling their students to call me that, since they think I enjoy it oh so much. Always puts a smile on my face though. Around here you still have to laugh as much as possible and try to embrace the small things.

One word….CORNDOGS…

Oh yes oh yes, we finally got to indulge and eat baked beans and corn dogs last night. They seriously tasted like gold. They were crispy and crunchy and better then any fast food restaurant I could even imagine. Good thing we have about 12 boxes of them now, or my little heart would be broken.

CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF SPAGHETTI---so myself never have ordering bulk food before, got a little CRAZY when we ordered from Span Alaska. Apparently I got the JUMBO box of spaghetti- It was funny because when we were putting the order away and no one was claiming the enormo box of spaghetti, Allison looked at me and said that better not even be ours. Moments later I began to giggle and realized that yes we would be the proud owners of about ten pounds of spaghetti. Not to mention all the bags and bags of spaghetti I have previously bought before this box arrived. What is ironic about this all, is that neither one of us really even enjoy spaghehtti.

So we’ve been here about a month and our lights in our house do not work in the kitchen and living room. There for a while, Allison has been wearing her head lamp as our source of light. She stands in the middle while I do the dishes and moves from time to time when I cannot see. It has become quite the experience. Our lights came on for about a week and then they started to play a joke on us and stop working. It is very funny to come home after school and find random things all over the counter because we cannot see in the morning when we are getting ready. I’ve got good news though….this weekend we GOT two head lamps...I am thinking we look pretty darn good with our head lamps, but hey you can be the judge of that one. We look like coal miners, but MUCH MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE.

I’ve included some pictures on here for all of you to enjoy:

n Family photo of myself, Al, and Gill

n The head lamp

n Spaghetti anyone?

n Our newly stocked freezer, notice all the pizza rolls

n Our newly stocked pantry and my beautiful cereal layout

n The very first picture we created our first weekend in Quin

Just a little update—Miss you all..I will be traveling to Bethel again this weekend, hopefully not next to any dead caribou.

Shout out to my friend Moss who had a birthday a few days ago! And to everyone else reading my blog –it helps me to know that there are people thinking about me out there. Feel free to leave a little comment on the bottom of my page. With the help of Steph I made it so you all can now!


Beth said...

Obviously Allison put away the cereal and the pizza rolls. They are so neatly arranged!

Unknown said...

Corndogs and pizza rolls? Oy! LOL!