Sunday, September 12, 2010


So it’s the weekend in Quin again— but before I forget I failed to mention in my last post that I Alicia Weaver ate MOOSE the other night…it is becoming official, I am becoming quite brave here in Alaska. Now at first I was pretty skeptical about eating moose meat, but it was pretty good…I tried to not think about it and just PLOP, decided to try it. It was quite chewy but pretty darn delicious. Ate quite the home cooked meal made by Rachel, I have high hopes that I too can cook that well someday!

I'll now add a joke in by Allison-- A mushroom walks into a bar--the bartender says hey get outta my bar-- and the mushroom says hey I'm a fun guy. And thats just one of the many reasons I love Al.

Week four has ended and I can’t believe I have been teaching for 18 days already in Quinhagak, its unbelievable actually. My reading program is finally starting to get off to a good start and I am becoming more comfortable. Friday was a great walk to school, there was a beautiful sunrise. I sipped on my hot chocolate on the way preparing for Friday at school. I am proud to announce after 4 weeks of trying, I got my entire class to turn in their homework. I am so proud of them. It shows me that when you put your mind to something and believe in the kids they can do anything!

Friday I discovered a website that Steph told me about. It is called . It has homemade jewelry and home made everything you can imagine. IT IS FANTASTIC!! Once again my shopping addiction is taking over—and I’m continuing to get many packages of great online purchases. My style is going to be impeccable when I arrive back in good ole Canton, Ohio.

So this weekend I was back in Bethel for more teacher training. Allison and I said goodbye to Gill and then were on our way to the big city of Bethel! After about what felt like 34i3i943 miles, we arrived at a friend’s house where we stayed the night. It was a hilarious night—Allison introduced me to a youtube video called Kitten Inspired by Kittens (if you have never seen it before be sure to check it out, you will surely laugh)

I am sad to announce that my plane ride did not have a dead caribou on it this time, which saddens me quite a bit. BUT I did in fact smash my head on the door of the plane. Allison being a good friend reminded me to un-do my seat belt this time. BUT she did not tell me to watch my head and CRACK….head my head right on the frame.

My final thought for tonight is how important I feel it is to start opening my eyes more to the experiences and people around me. It will be important to be open and honest to my new experiences and the people around me. It is important to make sure I do not judge a book by its cover, yet give everyone an equal opportunity. I have come to the realization that everyone around me has something unique and worthwhile to offer during this experience, and it will be important to search for that.

That’s all =)

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