Monday, July 26, 2010


**These pictures I added after my blog.

so this packing....I do not like it
all this cleaning...I do not like it
leaving all my friends...I do not like it

I am leaving in 6 days.....I've never been more scared...I know this is going to be an awesome experience but the reality is setting in and I am terrifed. I had my going away party yesterday, it was a great time but just made the reality set in even deeper---what am I getting myself into??

In the next 6 days I have about 3498394893843 things to do...and I am still working this week (which I am regretting ALOT)

Ok so now about my trip if anyone is interested---I'm flying on Sunday at 6:55 Pm Frontier Airlines, I fly to Denver (sit in the airport crying for a few hours) then fly to Anchorage (sit in the airport again crying) ..then I fly to Bethel where I will be staying for New Teacher Orientation for a few days....At Bethel I'll meet my principal as well as my room mate Allison and other new teacher Alison from my school! After a few days...not sure how many, I am flying to my village where I'm going to take tons of pictures! =)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Manning Up"

So my friends I did it, I mustered up the courage to sign my contract and send it in. I am not going to lie and say I am not scared because I am.
After my recent break up, I know this is what is in the cards for me. It's going to be hard because I feel alone right now but I know that going to Alaska will help me find out who I really am. I am going to experience a world that not many people can say they have. I am going to meet new friends and learn so much. I think this is what I need not only for myself but for my professional development as a teacher.

Thats all for now, pictures to come as I prepare for an opportunity of a lifetime.